How Social Media has Exasperated Social Inclusion

It's safe enough to say that every single being in the entire multi-verse has seen the selfie that Ellen DeGeneres took with all those A-list Hollywood actors at the Oscrars and then retweeted it 700 times each (cannot confirm whether these numbers are accurate, but a decent estimation I would say). However, an image which many people may have not seen was the view from behind this photo, of Liza Minnelli desperately trying to grow 5 or 6 inches. Of course, the good people in Ellen DeGeneres' PR group made her privy to this micro-publicity crisis. Ellen was quick to make amends with the star in order to avoid any tarnishing of her good name by taking a selfie of just her and Liza, in which she looked decidedly less fervent in comparison to her world-record breaking pic: Mind you, Minnelli herself does not look particularly excited either. Disdain, if anything is to be read from her poker-face. So what is this all about? Well I believe this occurrence brings some...